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Entries by Sandra (342)



Today, as Will hopped out of the car during preschool drop off, the helper told him she liked his hat.  He promptly replied, "thank you.  My mommy made it for me.  I like it too."  He sure knows how to make me happy!  And it also made me realize I never posted final pictures of his hat.

I had countless pictures to choose from because he has worn his hat nonstop this winter.  I still cannot get over how well it matches his heavy jacket--it wasn't at all planned, just a happy coincidence.  I decided against adding a pom pom because it wouldn't work as well with hooded coats.  Plus, it makes it harder to stuff into a pocket.  The free pattern is a super simple beanie by Elena Nodel--a great pick for a beginner if you're looking for such a thing (Ravelry link with pattern details here).

It's been keeping him warm all winter.

Except when a certain grownup lobs a snowball right at him.  Then no one is safe (Charlie has freaky aim).

Stay warm!



New gear.

I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day.  Mine was pretty memorable.  I was treated to a special gift--the new camera that I have coveted for quite some time.  Buying the camera right now was not the plan, actually.  But the price on this particular body dropped significantly this week.  And Charlie, bless his heart, knows when to nudge me when necessary to pull the trigger on certain big-ticket items.

To be clear, I have no problem whatsoever buying small-ticket items.  Lots of them, in fact.  And I am smart enough to realize that this is perhaps at the very root of my issues when it comes to taking the plunge on large budgetary line items (because, you see, it means indulging in fewer small might think 8 years would be plenty of time to adjust to a responsible, family budget.  But you'd be wrong. ).  I have agonized over car purchases, dining room furniture, sewing machines, ect., ect., pro-and-conning them to death...questioning whether the item was it.  And then, even after I'm convinced it is indeed the one, I settle into a comfy holding pattern to make sure I get the best price.  I usually score amazing deals but it can take forever!  And considering how much I use a camera (daily), I agreed that it made sense to jump on the current sale now (though this does mean a yarn diet).  

I almost hugged the UPS driver when he delivered the camera today--it is hard to explain how excited I am about it.  I know that the twelve inches behind a camera, i.e. the person operating it, makes the real difference and I am working on that.  But it sure doesn't hurt to have great tools.  Especially ones that allow you to capture sharper images in low lighting situations (hello, night time crafting hours).

Here are some random shots, straight out of the camera.  To be sure, it is a camera that I do not know how to fully operate--these were the first images taken.  

Some knitting that has visited my lap on and off since Saturday.  It is a birthday hat for someone special...

Max's current grin...he's lost many teeth, but this is his first front one (you can see the gap if you look for it)...

And funny William, who insisted on assembling and delivering a few more of his leftover Valentines (he wanted one addressed to himself)...

So there you go.  Just some every day moments that make up my world.  Happy Valentine's Day!  I'll be here, taking a ton of pictures.  More than usual, even. 




Last year, we did the lollipop Valentine's Day cards, which were a huge hit.  The older boys want to do them again, so we will.  Just need to, ahem, get those shots.  But there's a glitch in my plan to repeat what I did last year--sadly, the laptop with my beloved graphics program installed recently kicked the bucket.  And my tech support (brother) has yet to get all of my goodies off of the computer.  So this year, I will just go with a shot in front of a blank wall, then use Picnik to add some heart stickers and text. 

Will was up first because his party was yesterday.  He was excited to participate this year.

Super excited. 

Here's the shot before the lollipop treatment. 

And a shot of the finished product (another poorly lit night time shot, sorry.  I know...I know...)

The older boys' celebrations are on Monday.  So, let's see...that puts me putting theirs together Sunday night, right?  Right.  Happy Friday!



Our paper boy (something to remember).

During the weekends, one of our highlights is seeing littlest one eagerly going about one of his chores.  He sets off to...well, I rather dislike using this word, but really there is no other, so I'm just going to say fetch us the paper. 

He adds a layer to his jammies, wrapping up in whatever he can find in the the winter-wear bucket that is set out for little hands... 

He scrambles into his Crocs then skips outside, plod, plod, plodding his way to the end of the driveway.

He picks up the paper, beaming that he hasn't dumped it from the protective wrapper.  And he hustles it to us.

And yes, the above pictures are taking by yours truly from inside.  Where it is warm

But fear not (and don't turn us in)--he is not in danger.  We live on a cul-de-sac with just a few houses so traffic isn't a concern and Charlie is supervising--discreetly because this littlest one has quite the independent streak! 



Lacy Baktus; haircut.

I really came to adore knitting this Lacy Baktus (Ravelry link here).  And it's pretty obvious that I also adore the end product as I have worn it nonstop since it came off the needles.  I think I'd better cast on something similar to mix it up a little.  I recently stashed a skein of sock yarn in a cheery yellow that might be fun.  But for now, I'll continue wearing this fella.  He makes me happy...

...I am choosing to overlook how I miscalculated the center point of the skein, resulting in a fear of running out of yarn and the need to rush the final decreases (so rather than the graceful taper per the pattern, I got wonky ends).  I probably wouldn't gift it this way, but it's fine for me...

Also, in other news, I finally cut my hair.  It's the third time I've donated my hair to either the Locks of Love or Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program.  This year, I donated 12 inches. 

Whenever I make the appointment, I find that the stylist thinks I will need a "moment"--to do what exactly, I am unsure.  Say goodbye to my hair?  Really, I am unclear.  But they always look at me rather shocked when I say something along the lines of, "listen, I've got 30 minutes before I'm needed back home.  Cut it off, bag it, and let's go!" 

I am, like most women, vain about certain things.  But not my hair.  I figure, it grows--it's fine long, it's fine shortish.  I just don't do short short because I have funny-shaped ears (looking at you, dad).   One of the nice parts about growing out my hair is that I just forget about it.  I rarely even trim it because I don't blow dry it/style it very often.  And yes, if you are wondering, I generally look awful when I'm running around with the kidlets with my hair pulled back in a mess.  But at least it means only one fancy haircut every 2.5 years.  Think of how much money I save!

I didn't get a good shot of the swoopy bangs (yes, bangs!) my stylist talked me into.  And this self-portrait is rather out of focus...but it's the only shawlette-shot I took that has a bit of my head in it.  Also, it was a good opportunity to try out some free photo actions I've recently discovered.  I'm rather shocked at how much "help" you can give a photo with post-processing effects...I am new to photo shop elements, but I think I likey.

I thought my stylist did a good job of giving me a wash-n-go cut...he knows of my lazy ways.  This is with a few minutes of blow drying but allowing it to mostly air dry on the fly.  It sure beats the wet mop of a bun I've sported the past two winters.



For a good cause.

Over the weekend, my friend Caryn and I donated some handmade items for a silent auction that our close friends organize each year to benefit cystic fibrosis research. 

Caryn is the crocheter in our craft group.  She made the most adorable basket stuffed with "learn to crochet" goodies.  I think she's trying to up the number of crocheters in the world. 

I was a lucky recipient of one of these baskets when Will was born.  I use it as a catchall on his dresser and I could easily use fifty more around the house.  (And to Caryn who gets email updates of my blog posts:  here, let me pick up that hint for you...)

For my donation, I made a "mommy and me" apron set.  I used the Pretty Ditty Apron pattern, modifying it slightly to add a full lining.  I bought enough of the fabric to make myself an apron as well...because how many cute, handmade aprons I have made for gifts or donations?  Eight.  And how many cute, handmade aprons have I made for myself?  Zilch.

My pictures are, predictably, taken late at night in our deteriorating closet mirror--like last year--and are--like last year--not so great.  But here you go anyways... 

Here's the mommy's helper apron...modeled without groaning for the princely sum of a cookie before dinner.

And another shot of the adult apron, worn by someone whose identity I have sworn to protect...


Here's a shot of the lining...notwithstanding the opinions of the above two models, who doesn't like a little color zip by way of some fun, green zebra? 

I even remembered to sew in a woven label into each apron.  I always forget to do that.  And I have a gazillion of them because I once had the notion that I would sell things for fun at various markets.  I now have roughly a gazillion minus two.



New WIPs.

Just a quick preview of a few things I'm working on in my crafty world.

Cleaning up after some sewing...I made a Pretty Ditty apron as a donation for an auction (different pattern but similar to last year).  I need a better system for tracing off and storing my pattern copies.  I find that often, the tracing is the slowest (and least fun) part of my sewing projects. 

...just need to weave in the ends of my shawlette.  It's my first go at knitting in fingering weight yarn!  I am not nearly adept enough to mindlessly knit in this finer gauge, but the drape is incredible.  And it was fun working in lace again--especially an easy-to-memorize pattern (the Lacy Baktus by Mustaa Vilaa). 

As a bit of a retreat from working with the finer yarn, I cast on for a super chunky sweater.  But I think I over shot--I feel like I'm knitting a bulky carpet.

All the details and finished project shots soon (I hope).



DIY Fruit Leather.

To ward off cabin fever last year, we played around with DIY gummy candy.  This year, as I rooted around our freezer, I was struck by the urge to finally use several quarts of strawberries (they apparently went MIA after I tucked them away last spring).  I dumped the berries, simple syrup and all, into a heavy pot, brought to a boil, and simmered until the mixture reduced and thickened.  It took a while.  I have no clue how long, other than to say it was a few hours.  We aren't watching the clock during these stay-at-home wintry days.  In fact, what day is it?  No clue about that, either.  Other than to say it's day six.  I think. 

My mixture still seemed too loose to spread vice pour.  So I cooled it in the fridge to set up a bit.  It worked, allowing me to indeed spread it--thinly--onto a silicone lined cookie sheet.  I popped it into a low-heat oven (200ish?) and cooked the concoction until it became tacky.  Again, it took a while.

Simply cut into strips, these were a scrumptious DIY fruit leather--really packed with flavor and not overly sweet.

I thought they might last a few days, so I rolled them into strips and packed them into jam jars, as if to be stored.  But why do I bother?  The little ones (and the big ones too, truth be told) ate two batches in one day flat.  I will try making more with store bought berries as soon as I can get to the market with a manageable parent-to-kid ratio.


p.s.  I think it's pretty apparent that I didn't use a recipe, mainly because my starting point was berries packed in simple syrup.  I just cooked and dried and hoped for the best.  And guess what?  I got fruit leather.  But as I suspect my next round will use plain berries, SimplyRecipe's version looks like a good reference.  I also know some of my canning books contain directions.  I'll report back.


Deja Blue.

This hat.  Again.  How is it I've knit the star-crosssed slouchy beret in this Malabrigo colorway three times but still don't have one to call my own?  Oh, right...this is how:  My first one was lifted (lovingly) by my mom.  My second one came out too small, more like a beanie despite aggressive blocking (no clue what happened; it is headed to my niece).  And most recently, I knit the one pictured above for my mother-in-law (she picked out the yarn and pattern while visiting at Christmastime). 

I would still like a hat to match my cowl.  But I honestly don't know if I can knit another one of these!  Hmn.......but it is a quick knit.  And goodness knows I have the pattern memorized.  And--incredibly--I still have yarn left.  This stuff is like the everlasting gobstopper of yarn.  So maybe.  Maybe... 



Snow day.


Maybe you are enjoying a snow day today, too?  For us, it's one of those sloppy wet ones...rain boots worked better than snow boots as I toured the yard.

But at least the higher temperatures meant it wasn't too cold.  The boys enjoyed extended outdoor play and countless sledding runs on the small hill next to our house. 

Will doesn't like wet snow...he mostly just ran and ran on the cleared sidewalk, so happy to be out and about. 

And he kept pointing out things that he thought were pretty, asking me to take pictures of them.  He always wants to look in the LCD screen of my camera to see the shot--but as I have one of the first generation Canon SLRs, the screen is teeny tiny.  And in the bright sun, it's nearly impossible to see whether your shot is clear.  I am saving my pennies to upgrade.   

I hope you enjoy your day, too.  And whatever it brings.
