Drive-by post.

Just popping in to say I finished the second sock to Mr. Stripey. The pair are a bit mismatched in construction because I tried two different toe decreases and grafting techniques. I also experimented with the heel. But tinkering paid off because I now know what I like best for my feet.
For the next pair of socks, I've set my sights on the ever popular Monkey. I've also decided to reclaim the yellow Yarnchef yarn in the Fishies colorway from the shawlette I started a few weeks ago. I promptly lost all interest in knitting it so it's obviously not working for me in its current state. But I think I'll love it knitted up as a pair of fun socks. And the yarn is so smooshy it should be great. Say bye bye, shawl.
And even though I am doing more than knitting, I figure no one needs to see photos of me organizing each boy's black-hole-of-a-closet. But in other news, I have nearly perfected a new altered cake-mix cookie and hope to post it in a couple of days. It's for any chocolate lovers out there. You will want to try it, trust me--it's my ace in the hole recipe during busy weeks. It comes in especially handy if your wonderful husband is out of town for three weeks and you are so fried by solo-parenting that you simply blank on teacher appreciation treats until the morning said treats need to be delivered. Hypothetically, of course.