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Pumpkins One, Two, and Three (and Me)

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Entries from December 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012


Last Minute Holiday Teacher Gift--more Rudolph.

Here’s a quickie but cutie gift—a Reindeer Wrapped treat with gloves for antlers.

We like to give a little something to anyone who has a hand in our children’s day.  There are so many devoted to teaching our little guys and we are eternally grateful.  We figured those caring hands could use some cute gloves and festive packaging is always fun. 

A quick search on Pinterest confirms where I got this idea so please note I'm not claiming it as original to me!  But I’m throwing it up here because some preschool moms asked for my printable (I handed these out last week at our Christmas pageant) and I’m hoping it might come in handy for last-minute gifting.  (The gloves are from Target--they are the type that supposedly work with smart phones.  I need some!).

I actually found another free printable but the spacing of the reindeer face didn’t work for me (the gloves covered Rudolph completely).  Plus, I wanted a spot to write a little note, so I went ahead and made my own

It's downloaded as a Word file with a picture imbedded—hopefully you can click on the picture, grab a corner of the picture box and scale it to the right size to wrap the candy bar/mint tin/whatever you have in mind.  It is currently sized to fit two on a page and wrap a full-sized candy bar.  Click on the picture below to open the document.  Email me or post a comment if you have problems--not sure if the download will work well with various security settings and I'm happy to email it to you if you'd like.

If I have time, I'd like to make an elf printable.  I’ve seen the cutest novelty socks everywhere and think they’d look adorable as the elf’s hat.  



A shiny nose.

Oh boy did I get behind this year--can't even think about it else I'll stress.  

But it is what it is and luckily I think I can pull everything off.  Of course I may be kidding myself.  I just need to stay off of Pinterest.

Last night was the last of the work parties--no complaints, we've had a ball.  It's just hard to keep all those balls in the air.  Especially as the timing of my work conference was not ideal.  

The last party had an over-the-top photo booth with crazy props.  There were also reindeer games.  I was a facilitator, not a contestant.  This pained me greatly (some might say I'm a wee competitive).  

Hope everyone is surviving and actually enjoying the season.  If you need a break, I highly recommend donning a Rudolph nose.  Works like a charm.




Another outtake from the weekend holiday card shoot.  It makes me laugh.  My camera remote doesn't have the best range so I'd have to scoot close to the tripod, then dash back.  The picture also makes me realize how lucky I am to have these fellas standing by me, indulging me with so much.  (I am impossible, you know).

family shot

I am headed to a quick conference.  Only three days away from the crew.  And yet it feels like so much more.  I know some folks would welcome a break, and I was probably one of them a week ago.  But now?  As in right now when I should be packing?  I don’t want to leave them or miss a single goodnight kiss.  See?  Crazy impossible I tell you.


Serenity now.

Why on earth would we try to squeeze in our Christmas card pictures on a weekend already jammed with: a birthday party, chorus event, PTO fundraiser, back to back swim practices, car maintenance appointment, board meeting for Charlie, impromptu evening out for me, and of course teaching my weekly aerobic class (a student reminded me it’s been sixteen years together—whaaat?).

I lost my keys during the photo session.  Charlie found them later, by flashlight.

All I can say is, if it’s true that all’s well that ends well, then we’re officially well.  But whoa.  Happy Monday.

p.s.  here’s an outtake.  Max’s face pretty much sums it up. 

Max Leo Will photo outtake