Crazy, exhibit A.

Last Sunday, my wonderful husband, Charlie, surprised me by telling me that he and the husband of my good friend, Caryn, had arranged to send us away for a girls trip. It begins tomorrow.
Do I think that this is just about the sweetest thing ever? Of course I do. Do I think that a girls trip sounds divine? Oh yes, you betcha.
But you see, I'm a worrier and a planner. And I don't mean just a little bit, either. I mean that if planning and worrying were competitive sports, I'd medal in both.
So what does my brand of crazy (regarding prep) look like crammed into five days? Well, I've constructed a sticky note collage detailing what each mysterious looking bottle in the medicine chest might be used for (I do not think my husband will be able to tell by feel in the middle of the night like I do and it's important to know where Leo's asthma medicine is or which lotion to use on Will's rash vice Leo's eczema or when to use Ibuprofen vice Children's Tylenol, etc.). I've made a pan of mac 'n cheese so that there is a fallback dish everyone can agree on. I've made muffins to reward or bribe as necessary. I've washed, folded and put away every stitch of clothing that could possibly be necessary (from Halloween outfits to winter scarves, never mind that it's summer), noting that the last time this occurred was in 2003 b.k. (before kids). I've done my best to make sure that the pool bag, park bag, diaper bag, jog stroller, and car emergency bag are all restocked with diapers, sunscreen, bug spray, water, first aid kit, and so on.
So how long is this trip, you ask? We are staying one full night at a place called Poplar Springs, The Inn Spa, which is barely an hour's drive West.
Do I know that this prep is overkill for such a short and close trip? Of course I do. After writing this blog entry, am I starting to understand why my husband secretly planned a trip for me to go to a spa with my girlfriend to unwind? Oh yes, you betcha.
Here is where I'm headed.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.