Back in the saddle.

Well, sort of. I am all about moving forward these days, so I'll just pick up where I left off. And thanks to you nice readers who emailed me to check on me, worried because of my blog break. I've always loved that even though my blog isn't a big comment generator, I get a fair amount of emails about this or that from friendly folks I've never met.
So, moving along...
My Aidez is long done. I even got to wear it a couple of times before the weather warmed. Just need to take some FO shots and post--then I will tuck it away. But I will warn my friends that I will be living in this thing come fall...I love, love, love it. I might even make another, which is utter nonsense considering how many other sweaters are waiting in my knitting queue.
I plan to put up two new sections on the side bar--an "on the needles" and an "off the needles" to better organize my knits (maybe my sewing too if I can ever manage to get back to it). Right now, "on my needles" would include a simple, smooshy garter cardigan that I hope will be perfect for spring...
And a sunny shawlette. I think this colorway looks like scrambled eggs so it's fitting as we lead up to Easter. But in the end, I may need to rerack "how to overdye yarn" as a priority on my fibre skills's a little too 'Hello Yellow!' for my tastes. I think. No, I'm pretty sure...
And socks. I've decided it's time to tackle the knitterly milestone of knitting a pair of socks. No picture yet. But yarn is selected and research has commenced...