It seems strange to discuss Halloween at this point. It feels as if it were ages ago, not days. But this time of year is always a blur to me. So I've decided to really, really try to confront my odd mix of ambitious/slacker ways--I have high hopes of actually planning a realistic to-do list and getting those things done ahead of time.
I am fully aware that I have friends who, upon reading that proclamation, just spewed coffee. And to you I say with fingers in my ears: I can't hear you....
Why? Because I have a certain memory fresh in my mind of last-minute crafting. And it is something I don't care to repeat anytime soon. I am speaking, of course, of the older boys' Halloween costumes. An experience that had me quoting my second favorite procrastinator saying: "the sooner you fall behind, the longer you have to catch up"--my favorite procrastinator slogan is discussed here.
Max and Leo asked to be Clone Troopers. Actually, they first asked to be Jedis. Specifically, Jedi Masters (not merely Jedi Knights). They changed their minds, predictably, after I bought the supplies and yes they are getting Jedi robes for Christmas. They started asking if I could make Clone Trooper armor. Because evidently, since I am the crafty type, I should be able to make my children's Halloween wishes come true no matter what--and molding armor should be within my capabilities. Nicely played, boys. Nicely played.
For the uninitiated like me, Clone Troopers are not Storm Troopers. I recommend never confusing the two, else you will be on the receiving end of a glare/stare that smacks of a certain questioning-your-intelligence vibe.
I actually toyed with the idea of not making their costumes and took a look at the ready-to-wear offerings. Unfortunately, I quickly dismissed the option because not only were they pricey--the armor didn't look very good. And it didn't even cover the back of the costume.
As luck would have it, the week of Halloween, I found two Clone Trooper costumes (non armor, just jumpsuits) in the right sizes on Craigs List. The nice seller gave me both for $20, which included masks. The new plan was to doctor these up. Enter Charlie, our hero.
Much like his gladiator costume, Charlie cut out armor from plastic garbage cans. I drafted a pattern for him of all the pieces to make it a bit easier. We spray painted everything white and tied the armor together with elastic. We also spray painted black a couple of water guns to serve as Clone Trooper blasters.

A self-serving note about these pictures. I was a very sad photog last week and weekend. For about ten days, I suffered a freak neck injury (pinched nerve? neck spasm? doctors are unsure) that kept me stiff and moving about unnaturally. And so, almost every shot I took was blurry. I tried to make them look a little better with some free effects in Picnik. I plan to ask the boys to fully dress up again so I can take better pictures. But first I need to properly prime and paint the armor with plastic spray paint as the paint we used is chipping like crazy.

In the end, it was worth it. The boys had a blast and received a ton of attention. And William was over-the-moon to be their Master Yoda and haul home his first full trick-or-treat bag of candy.

I am packing up all of the Halloween decorations this week and moving on to Thanksgiving. I can't believe it.