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Entries in Muffin Tin Mondays (2)


Muffin tin Monday.


Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

The theme this week for Muffin Tin Monday is Fall Harvest/Halloween.  Couldn't pass that up!  Here is Leo's last-minute tin. 

A peanut butter and jelly bat and a turkey and cheese ghost; trail mix; carrot and cheese cubes; and milk in a jack o'lantern cup.  I found the spider plates marked down at Target last year the day after Halloween.  They were only a dollar so I picked up ten or so to use the entire month of October.  The peeps were in a Halloween care package sent to the boys by their sweet grandmother in Ohio--she also sent matching Halloween jammies! 

Leo does not care for the peeps but he thinks they are cute so we use them for decoration.  Side note:  ever put a peep into hot chocolate?  We were out of marshmallows so I thought, "why not?"  Well, take it from me--don't do it, yuck!

Be sure to check out all of the other muffin tins from this week over at Her Cup Overfloweth


Muffin tin Monday.

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It's unusual for me to post twice in a day, I know.  But I've wanted to participate in the Muffin Tin Monday carnival for ages.  And I finally did.  This week's theme was "all about you."  I didn't do a full tin for Will because he's going through a challenging phase where, if more than one thing is placed in front of him, he uses both hands to sweep everything off and onto the floor.  My friend dubbed the move The Zamboni.

But here is Leo's lunch tin.

I chose our heart-shaped muffin pan because Leo, our middle son, is pure love.  He is our cuddle bug and still manages to fold all 44 pounds of himself into my lap at least seven times a day.  I filled his tin with some of his favorites:  broccoli and carrots with Ranch dressing to dip--Leo loves broccoli because it's his favorite color; turkey and cheese skewers on green and yellow picks (yellow is his 2nd favorite color); an apple popover we made from the apples picked over the weekend (Leo is my most prolific little U-picker); and goldfish crackers--a perennial favorite but even more so now that he has a new fishing pole and is practicing his casting for his next fishing trip with Grandpa.

For more of this week's Muffin Tin Monday meals, be sure to check out Michelle's wonderful blog.  It was really fun and Leo absolutely devoured his lunch--even more so than usual as he's our eater!