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Pumpkins One, Two, and Three (and Me)

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Entries from October 1, 2011 - October 31, 2011


My warm winter hat.

Just popping in for a blogging fix.  The last thing I need is to feel behind on something else so wanted to post this FO.  Besides, it might get snatched like last year's.

The pattern is called Sarah by Mad'Laine.  I should note that it is in French but there are English directions as well.  I used Berroco Blackstone Tweed from my birthday bounty and really love the yarn (but it breaks easily if tugged).  I envision reaching for this particular hat when I need to battle a windy day--the Blackstone makes a nice and dense fabric, yet it's not stiff at all. 

My skimpy project notes are here.  Not sure why I didn't write more--I absolutely adore the hat and the fit is perfect.  Plus, it's fun and a quick knit.  I was surprised how the lace pattern does not produce a lacey fabric at all...just great texture.  I think it's pretty unisex but have yet to convince Charlie.  Either way, I'm certainly making more. 

Happy Friday!  Sandra


This is not a glamorous life (which is just how I like it).

Sometimes I like to try to take some decent project photos.  I go all out, which is to say I brush my hair, dab on a bit of makeup, and ask Charlie or an older boy to snap photos of me wearing my creation.  I ask whoever got the short straw the kind volunteer to follow me around outside in the natural light, directing them where to stand and how to frame the shot.  I am precise in my direction and, admittedly, not too keen on the camera man going rogue.  It's not the most fun process I suspect.  And since I am no model it's not like I actually enjoy having pictures taken of me.


More often than not, on my Ravelry page, you will find self-portrait shots.  Taken by me, just capturing my reflection in the mirror.  I've usually stepped inside our powder room, where the lighting is horrible.  It's probably first thing in the morning, on my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.  I am in jammies.  There is no makeup; my hair is not brushed.  It's about the project so who cares?  I can be as vain as the next gal but for some reason, I am not overly vain about these shots.  I think it's because on Ravelry it's like being amongst friends.  And friends see me without makeup most every day.

And so for Idlewood, I've started documenting my progress with these self shots.  But since this sweater holds the promise of a snuggly, wonderful, and very wearable garment, I think I might have to trouble someone to take photos of me wearing the finished sweater as well. 

Not sure when an FO will be ready for a shoot since I need to devote most of my free time to costumes this week.  But at least the heavier yarn makes for a super quick knit and I'm sure I'll sneak in a few rows here and there.

So where is Will during my three-minute photo shoot?

Often, he just wants to hold hands.  

Oh, William.  You are such a three-year old handful.  But whatever will I do without my little buddy? 

I know this is irrational thinking.  I know full well that I have this year and the next to be home with him.  But this worrisome thought is already starting to creep in.  And it's breaking my heart.

I'm going to change out of my pajamas now and pal around with my three-year old bestie, holding his hand.  I might even brush my hair.



What do you mean it's one week until Halloween.

Two posts in less than a day?  What can I say--I'm feeling motivated.

And good thing, too, because I need to be.  Every year leading up to Halloween--and I do mean every year--it's the same drill.  We decided to travel, I get behind on making costumes, I spend a week in a flurry.  This year is no different.  But as I'm not yet able to divulge this year's costumes (because I am not exactly sure what everyone is going to be, if you can believe it), I thought it would be fun to repost some pics of past Halloweens. 

We've had clone troopers, complete with DIY armor...

A Master Yoda....

gladiator & Grecian goddess/princess/whatever...


Clifford and Snoopy and Eeyore...

A Lion and a Wizard...

And then there are the costumes I made before I was blogging.  But I'd have to first find and then scan those photos, so let's not hold our breath.

All of my prior Halloween posts can be found here with details on each costume.  Plus there are tutorials on candy-free favors, a Switch Witch printable, favor bags, and Halloween treats and decor.  I get a lot of blog visits due to my Halloween posts so I really wanted to add a fresh new batch this year.  Oh well.  I'll be lucky to get the costumes done.  I haven't even brought down the Halloween box and decorated, sheesh. 

If you are in the same Good-Grief-Is-It-Really-Halloween time-crunch, please let me know--I could use the solidarity.



10-23-11; the week.

Several things to remember from the week; I am trying to be better at capturing highlights.

Mommy Day at Will's preschool. 

It happened to be his show and tell day.

More fun with yarn and a dye pot. 

Birthday spree to pick out yarn for winter hats for the boys--bring on the color work (and thanks Lynn!)          

Flipping through good knitting books for inspiration.

 Plus, one special book on pre-order finally arrived.

I also knitted by the fire twice this week--fall is officially here.  To celebrate, I began my Idlewood last night. 

It's a good thing I got my knitting/yarn fix last week as this one will be dedicated to Halloween costumes.  Surprise surprise.  Have a great one! 



A note from 8-year-old me.

Let me start with a bit of backstory before I share the below:  My boys often tell me, and I quote, "Mommy, you are the best mom I ever had."  I've often wondered about the phrase.  Because each boy says it just like that.   

Last weekend we headed to my parents' home to celebrate my father's birthday.  When we got there, my father handed me a birthday card that I made him when I was eight and in third grade (the same age and grade as Max). 


So now I know.  Happy Friday!


p.s.  What's behind the flip-up-flap?  Just a tad more poor spelling... 



I'm back! (but not back, back).

So, well, it seems that turning 40 brings quite a bit of celebrating along with it.  I am not complaining--not at all.  I'm extremely grateful for the many things I've experienced these past couple of weeks. 

But that said, as I try to get back into my routine, I'm finding things to be a bit of a moving target around here.  More than usual, that is.  So if the blog has fallen through the cracks, at least it's in the company of many other things dear to my heart, such as a tidy home, meals from scratch, and manageable laundry piles (that last one is killing me).  Because right after I got back from here with my dearest...    

I darted off to here with a fun group to celebrate another's 40th...

More pictures and stories of those memorable trips soon, promise.  But today, it was my knitting guru's 40th birthday.  Happy birthday Jenn!!!  We celebrated over lunch with another knitting buddy (Hi Lynn!).  And we plied each other with yarn and other knitterly goodies. 

I made some simple stitch markers.  They are nothing fancy and just from art supplies we had on hand.  I need to find smaller beads for the next batch (they are a wee addictive to make).  These markers do not fit larger sized needles...

I also whipped up a project bag with her logo.  I was out of ribbon to use for the cinch ties so used cording from my stash.  Does cording come in fun colors I wonder?

I also tucked in some Madelinetosh Vintage in Trodden.  I've not knit with Vintage yet but it feels amazing in the skein...  

Her sweet husband is whisking her away for the weekend to New York city to celebrate.  She promises to report back on visiting Purl Soho and Tender Buttons.  I completely forgot to ask whether she's hitting M & J Trimming.  Can't wait to hear all about it.  Have fun Jenn!  



Happy Birthday (no not about me again).

This is to my bestie who has this blog as her homepage:  Happy Birthday Kris!!! 

I made you a little something.  I made you a little something and gave it to my hubs who was suppose to see your hubs at the charity golf tournament on Friday.  But that didn't go as planned, now did it?  It was supposed to be there for you today, on your birthday, to let you know I'm thinking of you on your special day (even as I go about my day sampling pizza from competing Chicago eateries). 

Since I couldn't get this little something to you in time, I decided to bring it with me to Chicago to break it in for you.  Remember when we used to borrow everything from each other?  Can you believe that started in 8th grade?  I think I like Madelinetosh better than Forenza, though.  It should go with your black coat very well (I like it with mine).  I will try to not get pizza sauce on it.

I hope you have the most fabulous day.  And I cannot wait to celebrate with you next weekend.  I am so glad you are 40 now, too.  You know I don't like to do things without you.
