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Pumpkins One, Two, and Three (and Me)

when I started the blog...

and a few years in...

and now...

3pumpkinslittle on Instagram 


Entries in Rhinebeck (1)


Here we go.

Back from Rhinebeck and there is so much to tell.  And as I don't want to forget the little things--because together, they are what make all the things larger than life--I decided now was a great time to dust off the blog and get back to this space.

So here we go:  I declare a renewed interest in capturing the every day.  And as I re-enter normal daily operations of doctor appointments, PTO and PTA, lunches, laundry for days, stop-and-go knitting, shopping/cooking, small business tasks, marathon training, keeping house, etc., I am wearing all the handknits to help me hold onto the incredible spirit of Rhinebeck.  It filled my "love tank" as my Rhinebeck housemates called it, and I'm mindful that the path I'm on is not TO somewhere.  It's my very destination. And I am posting this now to help me remember how lucky I am to get to live this sweet life.*


*except the broken Jennie the Potter mug by Will.  Because that was not so sweet.  And not even a super cute mantra bracelet gifted by my dear friend Hallie will convince me otherwise.