Paging Mr. Mojo.

"Sandra's Mojo, please report to the front. Your party is waiting."
If only it were that easy. I have been off of my game for a few weeks. This may or may not explain my lack of posting. It's rather defeating to make a record of flops so I thought one summation would do. Wondering if I'm exaggerating? Well, that's fair, but I don't think so. And I'm pretty sure anyone who attended our casual birthday/promotion celebration wouldn't think so either. A few highlights: I turned the stuffed flank into a shriveled piece of jerky and made rubberized mashed potatoes. And the birthday cake crumbled to bits when I flipped it from the pan, requiring creative use of frosting as spackle. By the way, it's worth mentioning that these were tried and true recipes, so no blame there. Just me.
Luckily, only close friends and family were in attendance and hopefully through the years I've established that I can cook. If it had been a different crowd...well...shudder...I can't even imagine. As it was, our guests were kind enough to pretend to be happy dining from a bucket of fried chicken (oh yes I did send Charlie to get a bucket of chicken) and potato pancakes (rubbery mashed potatoes make awesome potato pancakes, fyi).
And at least we ended on a happy note celebrating Charlie's recent promotion. My father is a retired Army Colonel, so he performed the oath. My brother is a Coast Guard officer, so we asked him to read the warrant. And our three eager helpers invented a new game we're calling: pin the shiny/distracting/sharp rank on the Lt. Colonel. I am certain this little ceremony happened without incident because--and only because--I had nothing to do with it, other than being obnoxiously proud.
I have had a lot on my mind and plate so I suppose some FAILS shouldn't be a surprise--but they are. Oh, and just when I thought it was safe to bury my head in a therapeutic knit, guess who knit an entire cuff of one Monkey on the wrong size needles? I finally looked at what I was doing, slid it on and realized it fits like a legwarmer. Nice.
p.s. I know I promised a fabo cookie recipe and I will post it. But I wanted to write this first--a disclaimer of sorts. Please take my "it's a great cookie recipe" endorsement with a grain of salt. Odds are even that it'll turn out a meatloaf.
p.p.s. Today is the annual water fight. The boys are beyond excited. Happy Memorial Day!