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Entries in Valentine's Day (2)


Valentine's Day, 2012.

Hope you are having the sweetest day.

Are you wondering if we did the cards again?  Well of course we did.  I think three years in a row makes it a tradition.  The boys are becoming quite adept at their assembly line duties.  And I am getting better at letting go and letting them do it their way.  I didn't even obsess about punching the holes just so.  I mean, who cares if they are not perfectly lined up with little fists to best play up the "here's your lollipop" effect?  Nope, not me.  Didn't care one little bit.  Packed up those levitating lollipops without regret, thankyouverymuch.

But I admittedly found some inner peace having control over the pop placement on Will's cards (used an Xacto knife on his).

I also enjoyed the creative turn of tweaking Max's a bit for a no candy rule...the phrase "Write On!" cracked him up.  He appreciates a good homophone joke.

The boys also delivered balloons to their teachers.  We continue to luck out with having the most amazing teachers.  The tag is hard to read in the picture, I know.  It says You Lift Me Up.

Happy Valentine's Day!




Last year, we did the lollipop Valentine's Day cards, which were a huge hit.  The older boys want to do them again, so we will.  Just need to, ahem, get those shots.  But there's a glitch in my plan to repeat what I did last year--sadly, the laptop with my beloved graphics program installed recently kicked the bucket.  And my tech support (brother) has yet to get all of my goodies off of the computer.  So this year, I will just go with a shot in front of a blank wall, then use Picnik to add some heart stickers and text. 

Will was up first because his party was yesterday.  He was excited to participate this year.

Super excited. 

Here's the shot before the lollipop treatment. 

And a shot of the finished product (another poorly lit night time shot, sorry.  I know...I know...)

The older boys' celebrations are on Monday.  So, let's see...that puts me putting theirs together Sunday night, right?  Right.  Happy Friday!
