Maybe you are enjoying a snow day today, too? For us, it's one of those sloppy wet ones...rain boots worked better than snow boots as I toured the yard.
But at least the higher temperatures meant it wasn't too cold. The boys enjoyed extended outdoor play and countless sledding runs on the small hill next to our house.
Will doesn't like wet snow...he mostly just ran and ran on the cleared sidewalk, so happy to be out and about.
And he kept pointing out things that he thought were pretty, asking me to take pictures of them. He always wants to look in the LCD screen of my camera to see the shot--but as I have one of the first generation Canon SLRs, the screen is teeny tiny. And in the bright sun, it's nearly impossible to see whether your shot is clear. I am saving my pennies to upgrade.
I hope you enjoy your day, too. And whatever it brings.