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« Toasty. | Main | Mixing it up. »

Off the couch, finally.

So much to share...birthdays and knitting and finally getting around to playing with iron-on vinyl (!) and organizing like a fiend...oh I've been busy.  But I am off for another conference for a few days, so I'll have to wait a bit.  Can you believe I have to wear business suits over the next few days?  Business suits.  When I unearthed them from my closet and tried them on, I felt like one of the boys playing dress up.  This new part-time gig I've got going (which I feel incredibly fortunate to have fallen into) is going to require some new time-management strategies on my part if I hope to keep all the balls in the air. 

But this week, I can't really fault the "work"...honestly, what took up every spare second was littlest one and the most rotten stomach bug I've encountered in my eight years of mommahood.  Now that's saying something, right?  I will spare you the details except this one:  each floor of our three level home was hit.  Literally.  As you can imagine, there were lots of pajama days and couch time, trying to keep him still to rest.  He was not a fan.


He is better now.  And I am thankful that cuddles from yours truly seemed to be an important part of the cure.  It has been ever so long since I've had him attached to my hip or in my lap nonstop.  I miss it. 

Miss blogging, too.  If I don't write it here, I forget.  And of course, as I always say, I don't want to forget these days.  (Well, except last Wednesday--don't need to relive that one.  Ewww.)


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Reader Comments (1)

Your little fellow is so cute. Glad he's better.

Hope you keep all the balls in the air. I'm old enough to remember the man who would spin plates on the Ed Sullivan Show. He kept adding one plate at a time, but always had to run back to spin the first plates to keep them from falling. That's what I feel like when too much is going on!

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDianne

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