I said goodnight to my thirties last night and woke up in a new decade.
For real this time. To celebrate, I thought I'd share 40 random things about me.
40. I became a neat freak/organized wannabe during my first pregnancy. Considering the amount of stuff that comes with children, the timing was not ideal.
39. Two of my favorite shows are Wait Wait Don't Tell Me on NPR and Gossip Girl on the WB (this barely nudged out The Bachelor). It's all about balance. Plus, it's hard to knit something complex while watching riveting tv.
38. Most people think I'm of Hispanic descent (I am not, btw. I am half Thai).
37. No, really, when I did this thing at the White House, the Hispanic caucus would make a beeline for me and surround me (no idea what they were saying).
36. I have taught the same aerobic class since my last year of law school in 1996. They spoil me and have thrown me a celebration for just about every milestone in my life. They are like family.
35. I am generally a nice person. But once when I was cross-examining a witness, I made him cry. Also, a juror once asked me if I handled divorces. She was hoping I'd skewer her husband. I suppose in court I can play the mean part.
34. I don't understand parents who drone on and on, bragging about their children. Besides, we should really be talking about my children who are so smart, funny, cute, talented, sweet, etc., etc.
33. I love to cook and entertain. It is a shame that I am so neurotic about it.
32. I totally expect the man to offer to drive--is that horrible?
31. And I think he should offer to pay. That probably is horrible and dated but there, I said it.
30. I will be raising my boys to always offer to drive and to pay.
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