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Pumpkins One, Two, and Three (and Me)

when I started the blog...

and a few years in...

and now...

3pumpkinslittle on Instagram 


No Fail Sugar Cookies

I found a great sugar cookie recipe on seven years ago and have used it over 30 times.  I love to make cut-out cookies, especially during the holidays and for birthday party favors.  You can use very intricate shapes and the dough will not spread while baking--it truly does not fail.  It also holds up great for cookie pops, just be sure to roll the dough 1/2" thick.

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Er, hello.

I was going to title this post 'Hello World' but that struck me as pretty presumptuous.  A more apt title is probably 'Hello Kris' or 'Hello Caryn' but then again, my two closest friends likely won't read my blog as I talk to them just about every day.

So, um, back to you.  Yes, you there...hello, how are you?  This feels odd.  So until I get used to it, I am going to write down a few reasons why I thought I'd join the bloggy fun.  First and foremost, it's because I am helplessly addicted to a number of wonderful cooking and crafting blogs that are truly inspiring. Problem is, though I'm inspired, I actually haven't done much.  Yes, I've written my lists (I love me some lists!) and have even done some onesie-twosie projects, but I know I can do better.  And I want to do better.  So I figured I'd start a blog and put it out there as to what craft or activity I plan to do.  Maybe some folks will join in?  And we can get some momentum going...

Also, I have found it's hard to stay connected to everyone when you have small children.  Sure, I see lots of friends at birthday parties and such, but I can't seem to get much socializing in when I'm child wrangling--maybe it's because I have three kids now?  And only two hands??  So those recipes I told you I'd get you--hopefully they'll end up here.  And that amazing whatever I'm using for this-or-that, check the sidebar (no, not like right now, but eventually, okay?).

So what do I think I'll blog about?  Crafts, cooking, homekeeping, & all things kid-related, I'm sure.  You know, the stuff I try to chat about at night with my husband until he says, "honey, don't you have girlfriends to talk to about that stuff?"  Okay, not really, he's a peach, but I swear he's thinking it.  So again, hello, I'm Sandra and I'm very glad to be here.

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