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« Running update, no. 2. | Main | What do grown ups eat? »

Like monkeys.

This is one of those random posts I put up to later remind myself of the funny detours our family conversations sometimes take.

Charlie told the boys that monkeys peel bananas differently than we've always done--pinching the bottom end rather than breaking off the stem-necky-thing (totally a word, btw).  It is supposedly easier, though I'm not sold--probably because I've never found it terribly hard to break the stem.  But who knows, maybe I did when I was younger?  I think it has something to do with wrist strength.  The boys certainly manage to mangle bananas at an alarming rate, so this nugget of info was well received.

Leo (who is affectionately known as "our eater") was all over it.  The picture below shows him attempting a one-handed pinch.  But we've since discovered that two hands work best.  And removal of the black thing at the tip is evidently crucial before any of the boys will take a bite.  I told them that monkeys aren't bothered by that little bit, but it didn't work.   

When I Googled Swagbuck'd 'open a banana like a monkey' I found a YouTube video if you want to see it in action.  

In unrelated news:  party prep is in full swing, though not the fun, crafty stuff yet.  I power washed our deck this weekend.  All I have to say about that is I am not cut out for manual labor.  To be fair, it probably would not have been as awful if I had not attempted it the day after my 11 mile training run.  But as I am not smart enough to think of such things, I did.  And now I hurt, plain and simple.  Oh, and my sewing machine broke!  Luckily, my sister-in-law loaned me hers so I could finish some projects.  I'd love to complain about my machine, but I'm terrible about having it serviced so I'm pretty sure I had it coming.  But--whatever--I'm still grumpy about it.  To end on a happy note, it's Leo's 5th birthday tomorrow.  And in our house, that means cupcakes for breakfast, hooray!  


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