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Some good news to (almost) share.

 typical nightime crazies before bedtime

I don't talk very much about my husband on my blog.  It's pretty strange when I stop and think about it--because off of my blog I'm always prattling on about "Charlie this" and "Charlie that."  He's just always on my mind.

Charlie keeps to himself, is pretty private and reserved--not boastful, not show-y.  So if he had a blog, he would never post about some good news he recently received in his professional life.

But me?  Well, when it comes to these things, I'm pretty much the polar opposite to him.  And so I would like nothing more than to shout to the world all the details, including how proud I am of him. 

But I can also compromise.  So I'll just put a hint out there--and it'll make sense to all of my military friends who check in (hi guys!).  A wetting down will be in order soon.  Insert proud goofy wife grin here.

After asking everyone to settle down. And I really wish I could say that it is unusual for Max to use Will's head as a footrest.


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Reader Comments (3)

I'm familiar w/wetting downs... sounds like congrats are in order! I love your blog - especially the recent birthday invitations!

April 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie

You've won an award! Come check it out.

April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Oh exciting! I had to click your link 'cause I had no idea what a wetting down is. My mommy brain immediately read it as letting down and I thought of my nursing boobs! I know, I better get some sleep. My eyes are playing tricks on me.

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSascha

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