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Our little mover.

Many wise people have told me you can have it all.

Just not at the same time.

The past few months, my “all” has been wrapped around coaching Max on a school team, dipping my toe into more serious dyeing, dealing with sequestration woes for clients, juggling two competing schedules for basketball, swim, and lacrosse, serving on the board of our new elementary school’s PTO, and training for my fourth half marathon.  Occasionally, I cook and keep house.  And knit—not as much as I’d like to, but it is still a constant.  

We also decided to host Will’s fifth birthday at the house—Imagination Movers style, with family, friends, and his entire preK class.  Because you only turn five once.   

pg 1

pg 2

He had a ball.  Momma needs a nap.

San Will 


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Reader Comments (2)

you are clearly super mom!!! wowza! and i thought i was busy! lol :) what a beautiful bday party. looks like everyone had a blast! xo

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commenternook.

You're absolutely right ... we can have it all if we take it "all" in small bites! What a terrific mom you are -- enjoy every second.

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterevelyn

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