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My color affection.

Isn't it funny how tastes change?  Especially with fashion?  I remember doing a double-take when jeans tucked into boots came back on the scene several years ago.  And now?  I went to a charity event a few weeks ago and 85% of the ladies were sporting riding boots over skinny jeans.  

I am not one of those types who likes to push a trend, especially ones that are, you know, trendy.  But I do enjoy appraising a look that's of the moment and settling into it, if it catches my fancy.  I am a girl, after all.  And I think most of us are hard-wired to care about that sort of stuff.

And this is relevant to what, exactly?  Well, shawls.  Because even though it was less than a year ago that I proclaimed I favor shawlettes--not shawls--to wear as scarves, it seems I've done an about-face.  You see, I am now firmly, and unapologetically, in the shawl camp.

Here is what I wrote on my Ravelry page:

When I re-learned to knit a year and a half ago, to be honest, I didn't "get" shawls.  But then I knit a few small shawlettes and started feeling some twinges.  Still, those were worn like scarves and I've always been a scarf girl.

But now?  Sigh.  I can't help but wonder if Color Affection will be the gateway to a shawl-y path I never expected to travel.  

That said, I'm still not a hundred percent convinced I will actually *wear* a shawl as a shawl.  I know that I want to knit them.  And that I'll daydream about wearing them--this knit in particular--looking all stylish and fabulous like so many beautiful Ravelers.  I will also undoubtedly cocoon up in it on the couch while knitting.  *But.*  Will I actually reach for it to drape around my shoulders when I leave the house?  Hmmm. 

Well, now that I've knit one (specifically, a Color Affection by Veera Välimäki in Plucky Primo), I can tell you this:  I will wear it.  And I love it to bits.  Because I can wrap it around any and all outfits--even when I'm a wreck--and leave the house looking pulled together.  It's like lipgloss for my wardrobe.  I should note that it helps greatly if I'm wearing my skinny jeans and boots.


p.s.  Max took these shots.  Isn't that something?

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Reader Comments (6)

That's really pretty! I started noticing shawls when Kate Middleton made that ruffle one famous.

March 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJane

Oh, that is beautiful! I have been considering the shawl lately too... love a bit of drapey knitwear. Good to hear that it works for you in reality.

April 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJane

Just perfect.

April 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDianne

Love a thousand times over. And want desperately--but keep missing out on that kit color!!

April 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

I absolutely LOVE your shawl - I have been eyeing up Veera shawls for a wee while now but yours is the best yet :)
I've just wandered over from the knit along chat thread on Ravelry and love your blog... I'm a lawyer come homemaker (and recently blogger) too - I'm having a ball!

April 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTruly Myrtle

Thanks for the shawl love! I've already picked out my next and started (another Veera design) but then changed my mind on colors so am waiting a bit. And do you know, I keep getting compliments on it from non-knitters, too, whenever I wear it.

April 7, 2012 | Registered CommenterSandra

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