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Memorial Day Waterfight, 2011.

To my handful of friends (and 3 readers) who have casually mentioned or emailed that they are waiting to see shots of a certain tradition; and to Max, who would like nothing more than to relive a certain epic you go:

As Team Kid preps, they check their gear...

and Max is called to the center of the battlefield by Team Grown Ups for a handshake to kick things off...


someone yelled, "charge!" and off they went, squirt guns blazing...


As I snapped an obscene amount of pictures, Charlie worked the armory and fashioned some effective shields from gear left over from Halloween costumes...

Our neighbor's visiting son is such a trooper to do this for the kids.  But I think (and hope) he enjoys it too...

As littlest one isn't into getting wet these days, he quickly retreated to watch from inside.  We think he'll join the ranks again next year.

Speaking of, at the conclusion of the battle, I was surprised to see Max looking a tad sad, shoulders slumped, his faced settled into a thoughtful pout. 

"What's wrong, buddy?"  I asked.  "You guys won, right?" 

"Yeah," Max said, shrugging.  "But right now...this's my least favorite time of the whole year." 

"Why's that?"

"Because it's the furthest in time from the next water fight.  It's so long to wait."

Oh Max, my little worrier.  Trust me when I tell you that these days are flying by. 

Much, much too fast. 


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