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No really. Happy New Year.

"I feel pretty lucky, though, because it looks like no one else caught my Christmas cold."

And that, of course, was a foolish, foolish thing to say to a friend last week.  Because not twelve hours later, I got the dreaded phone call from the school nurse.  I will not bore you with the details; I'm sure you know how it is: kids fell like dominos...too much couch time, leading to sleepless nights...a home filled with heart-wrenching coughs and whimpering.  All of this delivered with a side of grumpy, because this particular virus lasted so very long. 

I should have seen it coming.  Last week was impossibly full, schedule-wise.  And if your life is anything like mine, the crazy weeks--when you don't have time for sick days, school delays, school closings, ice storms and power outages (because, yes, all those happened this past week)--are exactly when they'll pop up. 

So here it is, more than half way into January, and I am just now (!) taking down and packing away Christmas decor. 

Other than the nagging feeling of being behind schedule, I must admit that it's been rather nice having our decorations up longer than usual. 

I did a big purge last year and kept only the things I really love. 

But I have never been so excited to get back on track.  Knocking on wood...knocking on wood...


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Reader Comments (1)

Don't feel bad - I STILL haven't taken my decorations down!

January 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCharlene

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