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Pumpkins One, Two, and Three (and Me)

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This one is for grandma...

in Cincinnati. 

Who checks in regularly during her lunch breaks at work. 

Who I've meant to call for days--okay, weeks--to tell her about William's arm.

He is fine.  His cast is long off, but not before a round of signatures...



Good thing, too, because morning reading time that usually morphs into jumping on the bed time has been way too tame for certain critics around here.  But it sure did make for some sweet bits of calm. 

Now, to be clear, I am in no way suggesting that I prefer my youngest child's arm to be in a cast, no matter how much it dialed it down in the house.  But I think someone misses it (or perhaps the extra attention it generated).

Before realizing his cast was off...

and immediately after. 

Happy Monday!


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