Birthday planning.

We are doing something different this year for the boys' combined birthday party. Usually, we invite friends from all circles to come over to the house to celebrate. It's great fun seeing everyone and the boys really love it. They usually invite friends from school, preschool, the neighborhood, our play groups, as well as friends from their former day's usually quite a group! But this year, it's not really an option because our yard is a soggy marsh from all of the snow and recent rains. And because we always rely on outdoor space for the kids to run around and play, we thought it best not to do it here in the spring.
Instead, the plan is to do a smaller party at a gym with each boy inviting a handful of classmates, along with other close family friends. And we'll hold off throwing a big party until summer when our yard will hopefully dry out enough to set up some outdoor games.
So with that settled, I have discovered that I'm at a bit of a loss because there is very little to do in the way of planning for their party. Usually we pick a theme and I go from there. But since we're having it at a Little Gym location, the facility has their own format and timeline. And there is a smallish room for food and cake after the gym play. "Small" doesn't really work for the kind of food spread my family usually puts out at a party so I guess we'll go the pizza route? But I'd still like to put out something for the grown ups to nibble on. And I know I'll still do cake. But can I fit in the dessert bar? I think the boys might not know it's their birthday if there are no cut-out cookies. And cake pops. But we'd have to transport all of that, along with the kidlets. Hmmmm. Again, at a complete loss....
But I did send out the invitations. I made three sets. One for each of the older boys to give to their classmates and a combined one to give to family friends. I was so excited when I saw this mini bunting card on How About Orange because I knew it would be perfect for my, er, I mean, the boys' non-themed-party party. Because I'll tell you what. Even if we're not doing any of the 5 (or 12) themes we started brainstorming about (think of how ahead we are for next year!), there will be bunting somewhere somehow in that little room. My poor husband.
Happy Friday!
Reader Comments (4)
The invitations are very cool! Great job!!!
Love it! Let us know how it all goes!
I love the content on your blog!
I am a new follower visiting from FFF @ MBC
our kids' birthdays are alway and will forever be very important to us mommies!
All the planning and effort put in, simply to jus give them an enjoyable time. I'm sure you'll get things all worked out!
And oh, I like the cards!