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Bookmarked craft--ruffled scarf.

My list of 'must-try' craft tutorials bookmarked on my computer is getting ridiculous.  Let's just say that if I were going old-school with a paper pile, I'd get flattened if ever the stack should topple.  And because even virtual lists need some checkmark love, I've declared 2010 the year to tackle at least some of the crafts.  First up, an upcycled T-shirt to ruffled scarf I first saw on Vermillion Rules.

What I did:

I used the remainder of a white t-shirt (left over from the hoodie project) and cut it into 6 inch wide strips...

sewed them together, end to end, to make one long piece...

then sewed basting stitches (about an inch and a half in) on both edges.  I set the stitch length to the longest and upped the tension to create the ruffles...

I then set my sewing machine back to its normal settings and sewed down the ruffles--I did it on the front and back then removed the basting stitches. 

So easy, so quick.  And free!  Just enough trendy ruffles to add a feminine touch to my everyday uniform of a basic t-shirt and jeans.

*note to self--figure out a more inspiring place for self-photos.  Or--at the very least--clean the jammy handprints off the mirror before taking the photos. 


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