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Another random tip (I need to start numbering these).

Last year, as I recapped Halloween, I promised myself that I would finish costumes early.  See this post because I even had the gumption to write it down.  Well, the 15th has come and gone and there are exactly 0 of 3 costumes finished (0 of 5 if you count the adult costumes but I'm not going to because then I might really panic).  It seems I do not respond to artificial deadlines.

Part of the problem is that the boys are waffling a bit.  I guess there are too many Star Wars characters to choose from.  But tonight I make them commit!  And if you've ever tried to pin down a two-year-old, you know what I'm in for this evening.

Speaking of the iron will of a two-year-old, I thought of something recently that made my life a tad easier so I thought I'd share. 

Two of our boys are crazy over yogurt.  The oldest, however, runs screaming (I am not exagerrating) from the sight of yogurt--dunno.  The five-year-old has the dexterity to handle yogurt tubes...something I frankly don't get the fuss over but he loves them.  And of course, once the two-year-old saw yogurt tubes, there was no deterring him.  Does he have the dexterity to eat them mess free.  No, not at all.  Instead, the tube contents are routinely flung about the kitchen as he struggles, insistently, to feed himself. 

This is an unwelcomed mess in any household.  But if your home is also a yogurtphobe habitat..well, you can imagine how much nicer it is for everyone if yogurt bits are not dotting random surfaces.

This was a very long way of introducing you to this idea--stick a straw into the yogurt tube before you hand it off to your two-year-old.  It gives the tube some much needed structure as well as ample access to the yogurty contents. 

So there you go.  Merely a week and a half to go until Halloween and I have nothing to show for it.  But at least I'm not scrubbing yogurt off the ceiling tonight!


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Reader Comments (3)

We freeze the yogurt tubes in our household. That way, they're "yogurt pops". Just run it under water to loosen the outside or wait a minute, wrap it in a washcloth or paper towel & cut the top off. Much less mess that way, plus it's an even more special treat because it's a "popsicle". :-)

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSun

Hi Sun. Great tip! We've definitely done frozen yogurt during the warm months, but I can't get the littlest one to hold anything cold these days even if I wrap it in a paper towel! I keep telling myself that his iron will will be an asset when he's a teenager struggling w/ peer pressure. Or at least I hope so!

October 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterSandra

Cold doesn't bother my kids. They were asking for frozen yogurt pops the last couple of days...not caring that it was raining out & cold... You could try making a yogurt tube cozy. :-) I saw one on etsy awhile ago & thought it was an interesting idea, but my kids are fine using washcloths to keep their hands warm.

October 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSun

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