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« Icee cozie with a short how-to. | Main | Art organization. »

Happy day.


So Rachel over on One Pretty Thing linked to my post on reverse applique!  I'm sure many of you visit her wonderful blog several times a day, just as I do.  It's really my lifeline to checking out so many amazing, and usually new-to-me, blogs.  I am simply over the moon to be included!  And I've just received a few emails asking where's my follower link or email feed.  What?!  Well, that requires an upgrade to my basic squarespace account but I think I'll do it--thanks for the suggestions.  I also need to figure out how to put her cute button on my sidebar.  I am so computer challenged it is sad.  But I don't care because I was featured on One Pretty Thing.  And yes, I've already said that aloud to no one in particular as I shrugged off a bugaboo that would normally make me crazy.

In case I don't post before the weekend, happy Labor Day!


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