The family balancing act.

When I was still working, I remember thinking that when I finally stayed home, I'd have all the time in the world to get things done--so no prioritizing would be needed. Ha! Rather, I've discovered that the kitchen is like a diner and the house gets wrecked every few hours instead of just on the weekends (when I was working, the older boys were in daycare so by the time we got home and had dinner, it was time for bedtime routines. The only time the toys came out in mass quantities, really, was on the weekends). Plus, I'm a bit adrift without my standing Wednesday admin day where I closed my door and ate lunch at my desk and paid all the bills, updated the family calendar, etc. The truth is, I'm busier than ever even though "I'm home"--and it's kind of shocked me. For most of us, I think, our goals are to be a great mom and wife (and daughter/sister/friend/neighbor, etc.), keep a nice home, and also take care of ourselves--right? I used to think that I should do those things only in that order of priority. And of course, I still think that cultivating my relationship with my family is the most important and that it trumps all of my other duties. But I've come to realize that I can only do that to the best of my ability when I also take time to work on the other areas of my life.
Flip Flops and Applesauce had a great post the other day where she described those areas as: responsibilities; relationships; rest--and I think she's spot on. As I have been trying to recast the new balancing act of my stay-at-home self for some time, her post helped me better define things in my mind. My best days are those when I gain at least a little bit in each area.
Because the pantry I'd really, really love to organize again? I'd feel crummy if I spent three hours to straighten it instead of doing something with the boys. But I also know my Type-A-self well enough to realize that I'd also feel crummy if I planned all-day outings three days in a row and ignored housework. I need clean spaces in my home. I am also the kind of girl who starts checking her pockets like she's forgotten something if I don't work out regularly--it's like, "oh yeah, I didn't forget anything...I just didn't sweat today." So instead of trying to do it all, my new outlook is to do a little of "it all" each day. So I'm off to continue practicing this new philosophy--it's been working for me lately (except the admin part. Still stink at finding time for that. Just realized "next week's" open house night at Max's school is actually tonight. Oops--off to find a sitter). Hope you find balance in your day too!

Reader Comments (1)
I am so with you. I think you said it perfectly! Life as a mother is relentless and wonderful-a constant juggling act!