Easy DIY paper tray tutorial.

Setting aside special events and milestones, there are typically just two types of 'everyday' days that stay with you. One is when everything goes your way. For me right now, that means primo parking spots with each errand stop, long naps for the kidlets, dinner planned and ready, nice (enough) weather for walks and outdoor play, cookies for snacks. Oh, and let's not forget impromptu dance parties instead of tussles with the siblings.
That was my kind of day.
My friend had the other kind--potential worrisome news about a pregnancy, job calamity, dishwasher tanking with a house full of company inbound for a holiday.
You can offer to take the kids, come over to clean, bring over margaritas... whatever. But you'll probably be stubbornly waved off, like I was. So I decided that the least I could do was bring over some dinner and cookies, with the silent hope that some good mojo would tag along.
The dinner could go in a throwaway foil tray. But I wanted to package the cookies in something cheerful while also disposable. I've seen some of the cutest little takeout paper trays and wished I had some on hand. When I spied my empty english muffin packaging destined for the recycling bin, I realized I had the next best thing...a ready-made template!
I wanted to use 12 x 12 cardstock paper, so I cut the english muffin tray down to size and taped.
I traced with a pencil, but went over it with black marker so it would photograph. For future trays, I'll stick with pencil to minimize markings. Don't forget to mark where to place the slits for the tabs like somebody did.
Cut out, score on folds (referring to your template as a guide), fold, tuck, and embellish if you desire. I desired.
Deliver, give hugs, and scheme with others on more ways to help.
For more ideas, check out DIY day over at A Soft Place to Land.
Reader Comments (3)
This is such a GREAT idea - thanks for sharing!!
Okay you are officially turbo mom! I am so impressed. Have an awesome holiday.
Naomi from organicmotherhoodwithcoolwhip.com
this is way too cute, thanks for sharing