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Ma'am. Step away from the contact paper.


Could someone please, please, come over here and put away this roll of vinyl?  I really do have some other stuff to get to.  But I couldn't help myself yesterday when I started decorating for Halloween and decided that our pictures looked a little out of place.

So I held up a sheet of acetate over the pictures to get a sense of scale.  And I drew a mustache here, a cape there...a few masks.  Then I traced everything onto contact paper (excuse the drawings--18 month-old on lap while attempting). 

I topped them with another sheet of vinyl and did some trimming and some sticking (more on Con-Tact paper crafts here and here).  Now the pictures are ready for Halloween.  

I saw a clever post last year where you use a grease pencil to embellish your pictures.  That was my original plan.  But then I realized that drawing directly onto my picture glass would absolutely guarantee a 30 minute Windex frenzy right before guests arrived for Thanksgiving dinner.  So this works for me--after Halloween, I can just peel off the cut outs.

More Halloween stuff coming up--Happy Monday!

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Reader Comments (8)

Oh my goodness that is so cute and so funny. I bet the boys loved it. Great idea.

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaomi

Very cute! What an easy way to add a little fun!!

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAllison

What a cute idea!!!

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSouthern Fried Gal

Fabulous idea! We have all these family pictures going up the stairs and black mustaches are just what they need.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentershelley

That is hilarious and very clever!
pk @ room remix

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpk

oh my goodness how adorable!!

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney

Love contact paper! I posted today on painting it with chalkboard paint instead of painting straight onto canisters so that I could remove it later.

That is too funny and such a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWhitney

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