Oh, the annual water fight. As usual, I took a ton of shots while trying to stay dry. I think I'll let the pictures speak for themselves for once (flashback to 2011 and 2010).
But first, I should back up a bit and toss out a reminder that our neighbor's son declared war on our boys three years ago at the Memorial Day cookout. It's important to note that our neighbor's son is fully grown. With a job. And discretionary income he happily spends on fancy shmancy squirt guns each year. In contrast, our poor boys are usually stuck with last year's broken bits because their momma has yet to make it to the store to replenish the armory.
But not this year! This year Santa brought all new water guns. And we started early in the day preparing water balloons.
We also called in some additional troops. I think everyone had fun.
Even the dads, in the end, could not resist getting into the action.
The kids pulled off another victory.
And I've rarely seen Max happier.
It's a great way to welcome summer.
p.s. We had a special guest that weekend. My dearest, sweetest friend who got me running and is an organizational whiz. Miss you Hallie! You will be so proud to see how I'm continuing to tackle some spaces...