Quiet time became a bit of a necessity during our recent sickfest. Usually, at least one person was napping at any given time throughout the day. This prompted me to begin a new knitting project. I actually have a few projects on the needles right now...a first for me. I'm more of a start and toil away until it's finished kind of knitter.
One of the projects I interrupted is a hat for my mother-in-law. It's nearly done but I mistakenly left it at a friend's house during a playdate and have yet to retrieve it. Hopefully, I will get my hands on it soon. In the meantime, I impulsively cast on for something else.
Another sweater. And once again, it's for me, me, all me. In contrast to my sewing (which is almost always for others), it seems selfish knitting will continue into 2011. And I love it. I'll write details and share links shortly as I just finished it up, blocking and all. Did I mention I love it? Especially because knitting it was a life-saver last week--between all the sniffly noses and temperature checks, I also stressed as I worked on a report (67 pages!!) as a volunteer on a committee for our school board. It involved a lot of maps and data. And it made my brain hurt.
Knitting, I discovered, is awfully therapeutic. Especially mindless stockinette in the round...