Running update, no. 2.
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 12:51PM
Sandra in my life, running

Did you catch what I said about running in my last post?  11 miles, folks.  And you could knock me over with a feather.  I have one more long training run (12 miles) this week.  And then the blessed "tapering" I've heard so much about kicks in.  I think I'll really enjoy the tapering.

I've devoted a few posts to running for a couple of reasons.  One, this may be a fleeting fancy, so I want to document it.  And second, just in case there is anyone else out there who is thinking of starting--but are not because they have a voice inside them telling them how much they hate it.  Just know that I have that voice inside my head, too.  But quite honestly, I stopped listening to it.  I still cannot say that I love running, but I am starting to sort of like it.  There, I said it.  I think in my case, I will fall in love gradually and I'm okay with that.  I mostly appreciate the sense of accomplishment it is giving me.  Exactly two months ago today, I went out for my first training run.  And even though I consider myself as fairly fit, I could not even run beyond the first mile without stopping!  And this week I go for 12.

Now I know why Nike's "just do it" ad slogan is so successful.  Seriously--if you've ever considered running, just get out there.  And run.  Give yourself a few weeks and push past the doubt and run.  Yes it takes time and you will probably think about the mountain of laundry you need to get to.  Or the countless errands that remain on your list.  But you'll also know you are doing something to make you stronger and healthier.  It's really a gift to give yourself as well as your loved ones--we, moms especially, often forget to take care of ourselves.  I speak from years of experience, but I'm trying to be better.  Okay, pep talk over. 

p.s.  this doesn't have to be about running--just get out there and move your body.  Yoga, walking, pilates, whatever.  As an added bonus, it means you can eat more cake.  Which is exactly what we did all morning long.

Happy birthday Leo! 

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