Happy spring break!
Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 8:44PM

Just a quick post to wish everyone a happy spring break.  We're headed to Cincinnati to visit Charlie's family.  My goals for the trip are simple:  1)  not eat at Skyline every day; 2) get in two training runs; 3) not eat at Greaters ice cream every day; 4) survive the 8 hour drive (each way) with three kids in the car; and 5) not eat at Izzy's every day.  If you've never been to Cincinnati, this post will mean little to you. But if you have--then you know (and no I did not forget Montgomery Inn, there just isn't time!).  My extra chins and I will be back next week.

Article originally appeared on three pumpkins little (http://threepumpkinslittle.squarespace.com/).
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